Definition of Company Limited by Guarantee | Legal Structure Explained

Understanding the Definition Company Limited by Guarantee

When it comes to understanding business structures, there are many different types of companies that one can form. One these types a company limited guarantee. In this article, we will explore the definition of a company limited by guarantee and delve into the details of what this structure entails.

What is a Company Limited by Guarantee?

A company limited by guarantee is a type of business structure that is commonly used by non-profit organizations, charities, clubs, and other similar entities. In this type of company, the members contribute a set amount of money as a guarantee to cover any financial liabilities that the company may incur. This means that the members are not liable for the debts of the company beyond the amount of their guarantee. This provides a level of protection for the members while allowing the company to operate and pursue its objectives.

Key Features of a Company Limited by Guarantee

There several Key Features of a Company Limited by Guarantee set apart from other business structures. These include:

Feature Description
Members’ Guarantees Members company provide guarantee cover company’s liabilities.
Non-Distribution of Profits The company cannot distribute its profits to its members, as it is typically a non-profit organization.
Charitable Status Many companies limited by guarantee are eligible for charitable status, which can provide tax benefits and other advantages.

Case Study: The Impact of a Company Limited by Guarantee

To illustrate impact company limited guarantee, let’s consider case non-profit organization that provides educational resources underprivileged communities. By operating as a company limited by guarantee, the organization is able to protect its members from personal liability, attract donations and funding due to its charitable status, and pursue its mission without the fear of excessive financial risk.

A company limited by guarantee is a unique business structure that is well-suited for non-profit organizations, charities, and other similar entities. It provides a level of financial protection for its members while allowing the company to pursue its objectives and contribute to the greater good. Understanding definition and Key Features of a Company Limited by Guarantee crucial those considering structure their organization.

Legal Contract: Definition of Company Limited by Guarantee


This legal contract outlines the definition and characteristics of a company limited by guarantee, in accordance with the laws and legal practice governing such entities.

Definition Company Limited Guarantee Contract

THIS AGREEMENT is made as of the [Date], by and between [Company Name], a company limited by guarantee established under the laws of [Jurisdiction] (the “Company”), and [Party Name 2], a [Description of Party 2] (the “Party”).

WHEREAS, the Parties desire to define the nature and characteristics of a company limited by guarantee in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, the Parties agree as follows:

  1. Definition: A company limited guarantee type corporation which liability its members limited predetermined amount they agree contribute event company`s winding up. The company does not have shareholders, and its members act as guarantors rather than investors. The company`s constitution typically outlines the specific amount that each member guarantees.
  2. Characteristics: A company limited guarantee commonly used non-profit organizations, charities, clubs, and entities do not distribute profits their members. It is governed by the laws and regulations applicable to such entities in the jurisdiction where it is established. The company`s activities are conducted for the benefit of the community or for a specific charitable purpose.
  3. Legal Provisions: The establishment operation company limited guarantee governed relevant laws regulations, including but not limited [List Applicable Laws]. The company is required to comply with the statutory requirements for reporting, governance, and accountability as outlined in the applicable laws.
  4. Termination: The company limited guarantee may be terminated dissolved accordance procedures set forth its constitution applicable laws. The assets of the company, if any, are to be distributed for the furtherance of its charitable or community purposes and not to the members.

Top 10 Legal Questions About Company Limited by Guarantee

1. What is a Company Limited by Guarantee?

A company limited by guarantee is a type of corporation where the liability of its members is limited to the amount that each member undertakes to contribute in the event of the company`s winding-up. In simple terms, it is a company that does not have share capital, and its members` liability is limited by a guarantee.

2. How is a company limited by guarantee formed?

A company limited by guarantee is formed by filing the necessary documents with the appropriate government authority, such as the Companies House in the UK. The company`s constitution, which includes the guarantee amount by each member, must also be registered.

3. Can a company limited by guarantee make a profit?

Yes, a company limited by guarantee can make a profit from its activities. However, any profit generated must be used further company’s objectives and cannot be distributed its members.

4. What are the advantages of a company limited by guarantee?

One advantage is that it has a separate legal personality, meaning it can enter into contracts, own property, and sue or be sued in its own name. It also offers limited liability to its members, providing them with protection from personal liability for the company`s debts.

5. What are the disadvantages of a company limited by guarantee?

One disadvantage is the administrative burden of compliance with company law and reporting requirements. Additionally, the lack of share capital may make it harder for the company to raise funds compared to a company with share capital.

6. Are there any restrictions on the activities of a company limited by guarantee?

A company limited by guarantee is typically used by non-profit organizations, charities, clubs, and associations. It cannot carry out activities for the purpose of making a profit, and any profits generated must be reinvested into the company`s objectives.

7. How are decisions made in a company limited by guarantee?

Decisions in a company limited by guarantee are typically made by its members at general meetings. Each member usually has one vote, regardless of the guarantee amount they have provided.

8. Can a company limited by guarantee convert to a company limited by shares?

Yes, a company limited by guarantee can convert to a company limited by shares by passing a special resolution and filing the necessary documents with the relevant government authority.

9. Are there any tax implications for a company limited by guarantee?

A company limited by guarantee may be eligible for tax exemptions if it is a non-profit organization or a charity. However, it is important to seek professional advice to ensure compliance with tax laws.

10. Can a company limited by guarantee be dissolved?

Yes, a company limited by guarantee can be dissolved through a voluntary winding-up process, which involves settling its debts, liquidating its assets, and distributing any remaining funds to another non-profit organization with similar objectives.

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